Re: UPDATE/ Bruce Kelman v. Sharon Kramer
Posted by Sharon Kramer on 9/15/12
Hmmmm? No more posts seething with scary, threatening lies,
Courthouse Gang Members? Did you know that cyberstalking of an
advocate for the sick and dying in furtherance of court personnel
aided hate crimes against the environmentally disabled via
falsification of court records (in litigations over the first public
writing of how it became a fraud in policy that it was
scientifically proven by a Big Tobacco scientist, et al, that moldy
buildings do not harm) is criminal and punishable by jail time? You
might want to look at exhibits 6 thru 11; and then you might want to
consider issuing a public apology to me and to all those injured and
dying from water damaged buildings, continuing directly because of
the criminal actions of officers of the CA courts and employees of
the AOC aiding and abetting Kelman et al with the science fraud
being able to remain in policy - and used to fraudulently sell doubt
of causation of illness and death; via court aided malicious
Court personnel cyberstalking is now part of the court record. I
only make this public post so that if something should happen to me
for daring to write of billions of dollars worth of fraud and hate
crimes in policy aided to continue by criminal actions of the courts
themselves, the cyberstalking "Courthouse Gang" would be considered
in the equation.
August 23, 2012 My Supplemental Declaration Under Duress:
Exhibits 1-5
Exhibits 6-11
On 9/10/12, Sharon Kramer wrote:
> Yea, I'd be pretty nervous, too, if I was the "Courthouse Group".
> Falsifying court documents and public records is criminal,
> particularly when they are aiding and abetting billions of dollars
> in hate crimes against the environmentally disabled via aiding &
> abetting a court, with no subject matter jursdiction, and authors
> of fraud in policy and on the courts - Kelman, Bryan Hardin,
> Veritox, & their attorney, Scheuer - in malicious prosecution of a
> whistleblowe of the fraud.
> Court transcript, Aug 31, 2012:
> Please remind the rest of the gang that there is no statute of
> limitations on fraud. Thanks, Sharon
> BTW: the Courthousge Gang Member cyber stalking is now part of the
> record. See ContemptOfCourtFor.Me
> Its just a matter of time.
> On 9/05/12, Court House Group wrote:
>> Nice to Know that at the most recent Court Hearing The judge
>> again vetoed Sharon's mental Writtings and stated for the Record
>> that she does not have any Grounds to stand on and that the
>> court will move forward with it's rulings against her. Time for
>> Sharon To Face The Facts she is clearly Mentally ill and will
>> have to either get some treatment and admit her faults in
>> addition to spending Time in Jail as she pays the price for all
>> her Mental health Issues Good JoB Dr. Kelman in that you have
>> enforced the laws against Kramer Keep up the Good Job
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