Posted by Steve Harris on 2/08/06
On 2/8/06, Steve Harris:
> I have been successfully using MDF-500 in mold remediation
projects for over two years. The product is EPA registered as an
antimicrobial disinfectant and a fungicide. The by-products of
the product after eight hours are nitrogen, oxygen and H2O.
Completely non-toxic, water-soluble, biodegradeable and 1,000
times less corrosive than chlorine bleach. Application of the
product is not intended to eliminate gross removal of
contaminated drywall, plaster, wood, carpet, etc. The only
clearance tests that failed to pass on the first try, were found
to be caused by human error. They were quickly and easily
corrected and the site passed clearance. I strongly recommend
MDF-500 to anyone involved in mold or water damage remediation.
On 1/31/06, whatever wrote:
> Another disinfectant FOR MOLD REMEDIATION NOT NEW
> CONSTRUCTION. It most likely does what it's intended to do.
> The problem is that the sales guys will say you don't have to
> use mechanical removal - That's the scary part. I don't know
> any I.H. in their right mind that would sign-off on that!
> On 10/04/05, DD wrote:
>> We need a link to the label on MDF-500. It's not on the
>> website you gave and the product itself is not listed in the
>> EPA online database under the registration number and name
>> provided on the website.
>> Nothing unique about this product other then the fact they
>> are asking you to mix Hydrogen Peroxide with a quat that's
>> used in a toilet bowl cleaning product made by Proctor and
>> Gamble. Normally this would be a two stage application
>> rather then a two part mix.
>> Find out why they ask you to mix it instead of shipping it
>> mixed. I assume it's because the Hydrogen Peroxide
>> deactivates the antimicrobial.
>> On 9/29/05, YOUR OPINION NEEDED wrote: