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    Re: Soda Blasting For Mold Removal???

    Posted by Johncodie on 12/21/06

    The logic being used would give credance to the use of Spary Washing with
    your most popular beer that you drink. Check out the use of yeast as a bio
    inhibitor to the mold. No mold, no toxin.

    Rather than reaching for box of soda of choice you could have reached for
    the little packet of brewers yeast. One packet with what ever inert
    application agent could cover atleast a 5,000 square foot home. Designate
    it as a proprietary secret and sell it with the mold inspector software.

    If you want to know the real definitno of clean it is no visible residue
    left when wipping three times with a baby wipe.

    We know the sprores spead as fast as the cold virus, so we need to focus on
    why fresh air afer a rain smells so clean and the person feels attracted in
    going out for the day. Feeling better is just no physicological, it is a
    known fact. We just need to bottle that fresh air and distribute it freely
    in rather large quantities.

    Brewer's Yeast???

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