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    Re: Soda Blasting For Mold Removal vs clean clorox water

    Posted by johncodie on 2/04/07

    The US Navy has time honored methods that go beyond this country for
    accomplishing task. Some of these methods started slang terms that
    continue on to this day. They have as many as tweleve agencies that come
    onboard to certify that their time honored methods have been preserved.
    The can not endorse any product or be a part of the products
    advertisements. Their cleaning products are very caustic and the
    materials used very non-porous. I understand NAVAIR, or any other
    authoritive group checking out a new product of ship, and certificating
    the product as meeting their requirements. I don't know what or why any
    group would provide Certification for Soda Blasting. For a steel vessel
    properly sized grit, and for a wooden, fiberglass vessel,
    saltwater/detergent water. For the majority of homes in New Orleans clean
    water high pressure wash, or saltwater wash would be an excellent start,
    followed by a long drying process.

    The people certifying soda blasting uses what to hold up their britches?
    There are a few people that create new things we wish we could have
    thought about; and the majority of these fad are repackagings.

    Soda Blasting makes about as much sense as making lye soap out of oak ash,
    and pig lard. Sure it will clean, and take most of your skin with you but
    is alot of trouble.
    If I would have had the option I would have gone with just a fire hose and
    checked how rotten was mold. If it got blown away, I probably did'nt
    need it in the first place.


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