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    Re: Soda Blasting For Mold Removal???

    Posted by Mold Remover on 4/03/06

    PD - You are correct in that soda blasting is a new method
    being employed for mold removal. The environmentalists
    somehow seem to believe that soda is both natural and
    environmentally safe. I would not recommend anyone using
    this method for mold removal. Soda is caustic, eats metal
    surfaces, and is not an approved mold killer.

    The only good thing it has going for it, is it’s fast.
    That’s why you are seeing it used. Considering the other
    cost effective remediation methods being deployed, soda
    blasting is NOT the answer. Look into the latest chemical
    remediation methods being used. This is the cost effective
    and labor efficient answer for mold remediation.

    On 3/29/06, P. Davidson wrote:
    > I have read about soda blasting as a new method being used
    > in the mold remediation business. Can anyone tell me how
    > effective the process is in killing mold and what the
    > dangers are for this type of method? It seems that there
    > would be a host of issues regarding the caustic nature of
    > soda, the potential for excessive mold release into the
    > environment, and the potential to drive spores deeper into
    > the substrate. Wouldn’t there be significant liability
    > associated with this method?
    > Anyone have any practical experience with this?

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