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    Re: Soda Blasting For Mold Removal???

    Posted by JOE ALEXANDER on 9/01/06

    On 5/22/06, RemDude wrote:
    > I also agree that soda blasting creates more problems than it
    > solves. How anyone can believe that aerosolizing contamination
    > is a good thing for contaminated structures is beyond me. The
    > only folks pushing this technology are those who sell the
    > expensive equipment and soda for the process. It is being
    > banned in many areas and IHs won’t touch the process.
    > Yet another bad idea...
    > On 4/03/06, Mold Remover wrote:
    >> PD - You are correct in that soda blasting is a new method
    >> being employed for mold removal. The environmentalists
    >> somehow seem to believe that soda is both natural and
    >> environmentally safe. I would not recommend anyone using
    >> this method for mold removal. Soda is caustic, eats metal
    >> surfaces, and is not an approved mold killer.
    >> The only good thing it has going for it, is it’s fast.
    >> That’s why you are seeing it used. Considering the other
    >> cost effective remediation methods being deployed, soda
    >> blasting is NOT the answer. Look into the latest chemical
    >> remediation methods being used. This is the cost effective
    >> and labor efficient answer for mold remediation.
    >> On 3/29/06, P. Davidson wrote:
    >>> I have read about soda blasting as a new method being used
    >>> in the mold remediation business. Can anyone tell me how
    >>> effective the process is in killing mold and what the
    >>> dangers are for this type of method? It seems that there
    >>> would be a host of issues regarding the caustic nature of
    >>> soda, the potential for excessive mold release into the
    >>> environment, and the potential to drive spores deeper into
    >>> the substrate. Wouldn’t there be significant liability
    >>> associated with this method?
    >>> Anyone have any practical experience with this?


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