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    Re: Mold Prevention coatings applied during new construction

    Posted by RGC CustomB on 1/30/05

    We use e-coat too.The references are very good and the people at the
    main office didn't give us a used-car salesman pitch like the others.
    It's a new service and there are new manufacturers that aren't really
    manufacturers that are selling snake oil. We build a quality home and
    there's no need for us to bash our competition that behavior is simply
    not good for any industry and makes us look bad as professional
    builders. It seems that the others in here are hiding the facts when
    they don't explain their own limitations. The e-coat office we work with
    is helpful and truthful. That's e-coat's biggest asset. They work with
    Servepro here who helps with other mold problems and structural drying.
    We do every new unit with them. Best of luck.

    On 1/26/05, PAL wrote:
    > On 11/18/04, BoB wrote:
    >> On 9/08/04, Robert wrote:
    >>> On 9/07/04, John wrote:
    >>>> On 9/07/04, Mike wrote:
    >>>>> On 8/16/04, Norm Sherwood wrote:
    >>>>>> On 8/02/04, Ljc wrote:
    >>>>>>> I recently ran across a company called American Mold Guard.
    >>>>>>> (Irvine, CA). They provide a ten year warranty against mold
    >>>>>>> growth on the application of their anti-mold surface
    >>>>>>> coating product which is applied during new construction on
    >>>>>>> interior framing and walls. Has anyone heard of this
    >>>>>>> company or product? Does it make any sense...?
    >>>>>> I have actually dealt with EnviroCare for my mold issues -
    >>>>>> Try them at
    >>>>> I have been using MicroShield for over 2 years now. You should
    >>>>> give them a call or look them up on line at
    >>>> I have read what many have said about the need to find the
    >>>> building defect and correct it and I couldn’t agree more.
    >>>> Although as a Director of Construction for a national builder I
    >>>> have many supers and many tradesmen involved in building my
    >>> homes
    >>>> and defects happen.
    >>>> I have been using the MicroShield pretreatment for 3 years now
    >>> on
    >>>> all of the homes built in my division and have tested the homes
    >>>> as much as 3 yrs after treatment after a water intrusion event.
    >>>> When called for any leak our protocol is to react to it within
    >>> 24
    >>>> hrs. We take every opportunity to test the product to determine
    >>>> its effectiveness.
    >>>> In an industry (production homebuilding) where everything is an
    >>>> option to control hard cost MicroShield is a standard. It is
    >>> the
    >>>> homebuyer’s decision to purchase a humidistat or a mechanical
    >>>> dehumidifier it is our responsibility as builders to provide
    >>> them
    >>>> with the most protection we can if the choose not to.
    >>>> To date using accredited testing labs the protective coating is
    >>>> still in place and is preventing microbial growth. While this
    >>> is
    >>>> not going to prevent all mold growth it will not allow mold to
    >>>> grow on any treated surface. I have surface mold growth on
    >>>> untreated drywall localized by the pre-treatment contained to a
    >>>> level 1 size area (10 sq ft or less) that can be easily removed
    >>>> with a control bag by our warranty techs that have been mold
    >>>> certified.
    >>>> We have saved our division countless dollars by minimizing our
    >>>> exposure. I consider it risk prevention. The last 2 years
    >>> with
    >>>> MicroShield we have spent $0 on mold remediation and an average
    >>>> of $650 on mold protection per home.
    >>>> We will continue to pre-treat all of our homes with MicroSield
    >>>> as we continue to train o supers ad tradesmen to produe the
    >>>> ever-elusive defect free production
    >>>> Look up MicroShield at I don’t think
    >>>> the others have been around as long and are definitely not as
    >>>> affordable.
    >>> I just looked at the microshield web site,there is one big problem
    >>> with this product. The 2 step application. As a builder, I need
    >>> a one and done application. I can't back up my mechanicals any
    >>> more than they already are. Plus, I don't want something that
    >>> will encapsulate the mold, I want it gone. I would never use the
    >>> microshield program, if you read the fine print on their warranty,
    >>> you could do alot better
    > E-Coat looks like a effective way of mold prevention. one step
    > acrylic application, it says it drys in 1 hour. Has 20 year
    > warranty. Average house costs about $500 to $700.

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