Re: Mold Prevention coatings applied during new construction
Posted by Scott Perry on 10/26/04
The reality is if a combination of good building and a
quality/safe Anti Microbial coating is applied you are safer and
better off than doing nothing. There are plenty of well built
homes that experience a water intrusion or moisture realted
problems. You are better off applying a coating a penny's/sq
ft. I know of a company called EnviroCare Corp.
( They own a silver based technolgy that
carries a 20 year product and remediation warranty. I would
suggest to anyone bulding a home, that they take a look......and
choose a quality builder.
On 10/26/04, Scott Perry wrote:
> On 8/27/04, Greg Weatherman wrote:
>> People,
>> You are placing way too much trust into antifungal sealers,
>> paints and coatings. Pay more attention to correcting the
>> cause of the water or condensation intrusion. There is no
>> antifungal sealer, paint or coating that can win the fight
>> against mold and spore-forming bacteria if the source of
>> water or condensation intrusion is not corrected.
>> It is wreckless to use an antifungal sealer, paint or coating
>> on the seal plate and rim joist (band joist) of a home. These
>> structural wood members need to be able to dry to the indoors
>> and outdoors unless you live in the hot and humid Southeast
>> like Florida. In Florida, they have to be able to dry to the
>> indoors. There is a load of free information on:
>> Look at the difference between the "Orlando" house and
>> the "Charlotte" house. There is a link at the bottom of the
>> page.
>> The soil drainage outside should divert water away from the
>> home. An old fashioned French field drain with clay tiles is
>> still the best way to go (for centuries).
>> Antifungal sealers, paints and coatings are useless by
>> themselves. Read the label. They tell you the surface has
>> to be free of ALL dirt, oils and everything else under the
>> sun. Are y'all applying these products in a clean room
>> setting?
>> If you don't have fresh air supply and exhaust on your HVAC
>> systems you may have a problem with chemical vapors indoors.
>> Some of these antifungal sealers, paints and coatings have a
>> good history in outdoor uses on items like metal. Wood is a
>> different animal.
>> Regards,
>> Greg Weatherman
>> aerobioLogical Solutions Inc.
>> Arlington VA 22202
>> ********************************************
>> On 8/02/04, Ljc wrote:
>>> I recently ran across a company called American Mold Guard.
>>> (Irvine, CA). They provide a ten year warranty against mold
>>> growth on the application of their anti-mold surface
>>> coating product which is applied during new construction on
>>> interior framing and walls. Has anyone heard of this
>>> company or product? Does it make any sense...?
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