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    Re: Mold Prevention coatings applied during new construction

    Posted by Robert Dahl on 12/05/04

    My name is Robert Dahl, V.P. National Sales of microbe Guard Inc. This
    web site was given to me by one of our Manufacturers. Here are the
    facts and I challange anyone to prove different. This is a very fast
    growing industry that is attracting alot of get rich quick people who
    see the merit in mold prevention, but do not take the time to check the
    facts for themselves. I have been in the construction industry since
    1985 and have owned my own restoration company since 1992. I have used
    most products on the market and i have researched in DETAIL, ALL OF
    THEM! I was in the mold business before half of these johnie come
    latelies even heard of mold prevention. I know the players in the
    industry and their products. AND to set the record, I do not have
    anyhting against any of them. I do however have a huge problem with
    Companies who lie and sales people who lack the training and education
    about their own products. The facts speak for themselfs, Microbe Guard
    Inc is the largest mold prevention contractor in the Country!! We buy
    more, sell more and do more mold prevention work than anyone! Why?
    Because we only use the best products, the best equipment and mandate
    the best training for all of our applicators. We use only EPA
    Registered products because they are proven to be safe and effective
    and have proven that to the EPA. Only products that prove that they
    are safe and effective can achieve EPA registration. Please call the
    EPA yourself and verify. Most manufacturers out there use a paint or
    paint like substance that they add an EPA registered antimicrobial in
    the mixture. If EPA is no big dela, then why do all these
    manufacturers who are knocking EPA Registration so anxious to state
    that their product carries one or several EPA registered additives?
    Thesse same manufacturers are misleading about the claims of their
    product. ALL these manufacturers can only claim the the EPA Registered
    additive can only protect their paint coating only. Several of them
    dance around the issue, but the fact remains the same. These products
    do not protect the wood or structure of the home. Again don't believe
    me, call the EPA. I also know for fact that one of these manufacturers
    was issued a Cease and Desist order by a State for making false
    claims. I also know for fact that the same company is under federal
    investigation for making these claims all over the country. These are
    not rumors, there facts!! Call the EPA and ask about any legal
    investigations in the Mold Prevention industry. The EPA was at our
    office last week, because this same manufacturer claimed that we are in
    violation, well the EPA was out at our facility for two hours and
    issued us a certificate of compliance. We make bold claims because we
    can back bold claims! We are the only company with a ten year
    manufacturers warranty and a third party warranty backed by national
    warranty company. We are also the only company with a million dollar
    Mold E&O insurance backed by Loyds of London. We acheieved these
    things becuase we back what we do. Should any of you have questions or
    commits or concerns, please call me personaly on my cell phone 763-438-
    7335 or at one of our 42 locations around the country 866-601-6653. I
    am more than happy to discuss the facts and assist you with any
    questions that you have!
    Robert Dahl

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