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    Re: Mold Prevention coatings applied during new construction

    Posted by Cindy on 3/23/06

    The REAL way to prevent mold is to construct homes and
    repair work correctly. That means not taking shortcuts like
    omitting window flashing or other materials that are time-
    tested for the prevention of leaks. Many builders and
    remodelers today do not know, or do not care, how to do it
    right. They use unskilled labor, and there is little
    supervision. Codes aren't routinely enforced, and "industry
    standard" gets lower and lower, as more builders start
    taking the same shortcuts.

    Add to that, that many new homes and repair work today are
    done with products that grow mold more easily, and the many
    leaks in some new homes or room additions, etc, quickly lead
    to a mold case. Oriented Strand Board and paper covered
    drywall are probably two of the worst materials as far as
    getting wet, though some types of insulation are really bad

    Don't waste your money and time on gimmicks. Get it built
    right and your house won't have mold.

    Good luck.

    On 8/02/04, Ljc wrote:
    > I recently ran across a company called American Mold
    > (Irvine, CA). They provide a ten year warranty against
    > growth on the application of their anti-mold surface
    > coating product which is applied during new construction
    > interior framing and walls. Has anyone heard of this
    > company or product? Does it make any sense...?

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