Re: Mold Prevention coatings applied during new construction
Posted by CS on 6/15/05
What builders really need to do is build homes that can keep the water out, that have properly done plumbing and that have correct grading so water doesn't pool around the house. Then there won't be mold inside the walls etc. I see too many builders doing roofs wrong, and entirely omitting window flashing, now omitting house wrap also. Nearly every new house in my area has bad grading so there's a drainage problem on one side of the house. These new homes are made of mold-food (OSB, paper covered drywall board, certain types of insulation that rot when moist, and other wood and/or paper and partially wood/paper products made from things that may be moldy to begin with, like bark and other waste), and the new homes frequently leak. No spray or gimicky product will fix that problem but I bet a few companies will make a small fortune selling that stuff nonetheless.
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