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    Re: Mold Prevention non-toxic on new construction

    Posted by grandpa on 8/15/05

    What is your background and who are you? I am a customer of Mold Elimination of
    Florida. My home was tested for mold in Oct/2004. Very little mold or bacteria was
    found but I elected to have the treatment done anyway to sanitize the air because two
    of the people I live with have allergy problems. The air was tested again one month
    later and NO active mold or bacteria was found in the air. I an due for a re treatment
    of the HVAC system in about a month to renew my warranty.

    Since the treatment, my room mates are breathing better and none of us have even had a
    cold. You say that the words Kill and Eliminate are the same. Not true but who cares.
    The stuff works!!!!

    On 8/02/05, Ned wrote:
    >> DecoGuard is a patented product from Organic Products International and has been
    >> scientifically proven to eliminate all types of mold on contact. Our formula is
    >> Organic, Non-Toxic, and it is approved by the FDA.
    > Do you have a patent number? I did a search at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
    > site ( ) and there is neither a patent or
    > published patent application for a product called "DecoGuard", "Deco Guard",
    > or "Deco Gard". I also did a search for patents and trademarks owned by "Organic
    > Products International" and "Mold Elimination of Florida" and found nothing. I was
    > also unable to find anything in the FDA databases on DecoGuard, a product you claim
    > has been approved by the FDA.
    >> We are not EPA approved and choose not to. We are not, we are not a pestiside! We
    >> do not have any chemicals in our product, and we do not want to be labeled as just
    >> another mold killer.
    > There is no such thing as an EPA approved product. The EPA registers products and
    > it's not a matter of choice, it's the law when the product is a pesticide:
    > "Federal law requires that before selling or distributing a pesticide in the United
    > States, a person or company must obtain registration, or license, from EPA. Before
    > registering a new pesticide or new use for a registered pesticide, EPA must first
    > ensure that the pesticide, when used according to label directions, can be used with
    > a reasonable certainty of no harm to human health and without posing unreasonable
    > risks to the environment. To make such determinations, EPA requires more than 100
    > different scientific studies and tests from applicants. Where pesticides may be used
    > on food or feed crops, EPA also sets tolerances (maximum pesticide residue levels)
    > for the amount of the pesticide that can legally remain in or on foods."
    >>We do not Kill mold. We eliminate it and then protect the areas treated. We promote
    >>indoor air quality.
    > Eliminate and kill mean the same thing.

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