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    Re: Mold Prevention non-toxic on new construction

    Posted by Preventer on 8/15/05


    I do not think you understand the facts. They are undenyable! NO product, chemical,
    treatment, or company can kill or as you state "eliminate" all mold. It is not
    possible. Mold is everywhere and on everything. It is a scientific fact that there is
    no way that any company could come into your house and kill (eliminate) all the mold in
    the air. If you have been told that, you are being sold ocean front property in
    Arizona. You have just been ripped off!! Everytime the door opens, window opens, some
    one walks into or out of a romm, anytime that there is air movement in anyway, there is
    mold! A lot of companies, especially in Florida make wild claims that are lies. Please
    stop being a victim and think!!! Are we all that nieve? Call the State or the EPA and
    ask them! Stop believing salesman who are trying to sell you something!

    90% of the information on this site are misrepresentations of the facts. They contain a
    few truths and then follow with a bunch of misrepresentations of the facts. Lets use
    this site for fact!!

    On 8/15/05, grandpa wrote:
    > What is your background and who are you? I am a customer of Mold Elimination of
    > Florida. My home was tested for mold in Oct/2004. Very little mold or bacteria was
    > found but I elected to have the treatment done anyway to sanitize the air because two
    > of the people I live with have allergy problems. The air was tested again one month
    > later and NO active mold or bacteria was found in the air. I an due for a re treatment
    > of the HVAC system in about a month to renew my warranty.
    > Since the treatment, my room mates are breathing better and none of us have even had a
    > cold. You say that the words Kill and Eliminate are the same. Not true but who cares.
    > The stuff works!!!!

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