Re: Mold Prevention coatings applied during new construction
Posted by Greg Weatherman on 8/27/04
You are placing way too much trust into antifungal sealers,
paints and coatings. Pay more attention to correcting the
cause of the water or condensation intrusion. There is no
antifungal sealer, paint or coating that can win the fight
against mold and spore-forming bacteria if the source of
water or condensation intrusion is not corrected.
It is wreckless to use an antifungal sealer, paint or coating
on the seal plate and rim joist (band joist) of a home. These
structural wood members need to be able to dry to the indoors
and outdoors unless you live in the hot and humid Southeast
like Florida. In Florida, they have to be able to dry to the
indoors. There is a load of free information on:
Look at the difference between the "Orlando" house and
the "Charlotte" house. There is a link at the bottom of the
The soil drainage outside should divert water away from the
home. An old fashioned French field drain with clay tiles is
still the best way to go (for centuries).
Antifungal sealers, paints and coatings are useless by
themselves. Read the label. They tell you the surface has
to be free of ALL dirt, oils and everything else under the
sun. Are y'all applying these products in a clean room
If you don't have fresh air supply and exhaust on your HVAC
systems you may have a problem with chemical vapors indoors.
Some of these antifungal sealers, paints and coatings have a
good history in outdoor uses on items like metal. Wood is a
different animal.
Greg Weatherman
aerobioLogical Solutions Inc.
Arlington VA 22202
On 8/02/04, Ljc wrote:
> I recently ran across a company called American Mold Guard.
> (Irvine, CA). They provide a ten year warranty against mold
> growth on the application of their anti-mold surface
> coating product which is applied during new construction on
> interior framing and walls. Has anyone heard of this
> company or product? Does it make any sense...?
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