Re: MicroShield Mold Pretreatment
Posted by Mr Builders Friend on 9/08/05
On 8/20/05, Mr. Builder wrote:
> We build 150+ homes per year in the great State of Florida. We have been approached by
> dozens of companies offering to fix and prevent any mold problem. We still get
> approached by new companies every week. I do think this is an important issue and I do
> think that this industry is growing at an alarming rate.
> We need the EPA and the State to step in and start mandating some basic rules and
> regulations for this industry. We are considering several companies to do our
> treatments and will choose the one that checks out. We are investigated every claim and
> our attorney's are reviewing the contracts and warranties. We can not put our name
> behind any company without being confident that they will be here in 10+ years to stand
> behind their claims.
> I know that which ever company that we choose will have to meet minimum requirements:
> Must be EPA Registered
> Must have ability to service all of our locations
> Must offer legitimate warranty
> Must have appropriate insurance
> Must have a track record of proven success
> I will list what we find out.
Mr Builder. Well said.
I am a purchasing manager in Central FL for a builder that builds over 500 homes a yr in
Central Fl alone.
We were interested in the exact issues you listed and found only one to stand up to the
First I would say check with your local HBA to help with a history and track record.
Then with any of the other builders in the area.
We have chosen to use MicroShield because of their well rounded program long history of
mold pretreatment, and their ability to treat all of our FL locations and most of our
divisions outside of FL.
I wish you luck Mr Builder. I would be more than happy to talk with yuo about what we
found if you would like.
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