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    Posted by johncodie on 9/08/06

    The sporocides which you use I am not sure is even a word. The
    biolabs group in Texas was advertising the use on DOD facilities
    of two barracks named after submarines but made it appear was used
    on US Ships; which was not true. Upon review of the DOD letter
    from the submarine base was found be a fradulant document posted.
    Upon review the rebuttal sent from the groups president and
    associate was from a former seaman not even assigned to the
    mechanical portions of the ship. I know for a fact that the tough
    areas of the ship for cleaning use the most caustic cleaning
    solustions with appropriate protective cleaning devices and the
    most stable of fixtures for not being eatten away from each
    successive cleaning. One way for the molds to continue below the
    visible surface is its wicking method of pulling the moisture back
    into the spores. The coating and priming only last the time the
    paint is able to be unpermeable. There is plenty of history
    through wood preservation, but once wet must be properly dried,
    and once moldy will continue to wick Three is plenty of wood out
    of the mills that don't completely dry and shows stains,which is
    different, or moldy prior to the preservatives that apply.

    With the biolabs sporocides they claimed propriety but when
    pressed for propertys from FTC, FDA approved cow utter dip. Lets
    face it not going to put unknown sporocides in a home that causes
    more harm than the mycotoxins themselves. If your getting
    remediation, best bet is replace as much of the product as
    possible and wait, wait, wait for adequate drying. We still had
    residual moisture 5 years after the storm, and had been inspected
    about 8 times. They wouldn't hear or removing sheet rock then.


    On 9/07/06, RemDude wrote:
    > John - The common/popular antimicrobials that are used for
    > white glove cleaning only have a limited effect on mold spore.
    > There are some high end products which are effective
    > sporocides, however, you generally only see the cheap stuff
    > being used for remediation jobs.
    > The problem with soda blasting is it dislodges
    > spores/hypha/fungal components and spreads them throughout the
    > remediation site and beyond. The biogrowth that is present in
    > cracks, crevices and pores are only driven deeper into the
    > surface. Then when the remediator applies their antimicrobial,
    > it is totally ineffective on the surviving fungal components
    > which have now found a new home deeper in the surface.
    > When the clearance study is performed, surface lifts and air
    > sampling show no contamination - assuming that extensive air
    > scrubbing, extensive HEPA vacuuming, and lots of white glove
    > cleaning has been performed (this is seldom the case).
    > However, contamination still resides in pores and non-
    > remediated areas of the structure. All that is necessary is
    > for minimal growing conditions to be met once again and presto-
    > chango mold contamination is back.
    > This is why many remediators are being called back a year
    > after a soda remediation job has been performed. Many times
    > the contamination is covering a greater area than the original
    > growth thanks to the spreading of contamination. Soda blasting
    > has a Wow Factor by abrading surfaces to a clean appearance.
    > What the customer does not understand is that the rest of
    > their structure is now contaminated. Geee, thanks a lot.
    > Yet another gimmic from the remediation industry.
    > On 9/07/06, johncodie wrote:
    >> Nothing kills mold spores! It is an inherent ingredient in
    >> the product that is sold. You can probably change the
    >> chemical compositon by plasma, or fusion of fire which is
    >> about the same thing. The remediation groups were trying to
    >> sell a product sold for coating cow utters after being milked
    >> to prevent bacteria spread and milk comtamination. Sure it
    >> would inhibit bacteria but its shelf life was so short it
    >> would not hold up to the needs of a home. Can you imagine
    >> coating your interior home with cow utter dip and then
    >> encasing that in a varnish? Listening in on the mediation
    >> group they were planning on just painting over the mold but
    >> were not sure how to prevent it from bleeding through before
    >> they finshed the job. Baking soda in the pool does make the
    >> pH neutral to let the clorine work properly. The algea dies
    >> from the clorine and is filtered out. Abrasing porious
    > items
    >> with backing soda just removes the odor but does not prevent
    >> the wicking action that the pores develop when embeded
    > within
    >> its host. If the idea is an abrassive medium, just use a
    >> commercial product like sand to get the surface ready for a
    >> primer, and seal. If properly dried and primer seal is
    >> applied the mold can be held in a suspended state.
    >> On 9/05/06, JOE ALEXANDER wrote:
    >>> baking soda is the media used in sodablasting. it is not
    >>> caustic and it also kills moel spores

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