Re: Welcome to the Class Actions Chatboard ff
Posted by Greg Weatherman on 6/27/04
To the usual suspects,
I think the average resident of Louisiana would be very happy to keep the outsiders
outside unless its the tourists who want to spend money. I know this because I was
reared (I was taught cattle are raised and people are reared) in Louisiana near
Shreveport. I recently went back for the first time in 18 years. Casinos are
everywhere. Shreveport is "Little Las Vegas of the South".
Anyway, it is a nation unto itself. California has nothing on Louisiana. Half the
population in Shreveport at any given moment is Texans who have come to give their
money to the racetrack or casino. Now they have a new tax base. The old ones were
oil and bizarre fines or fees. Ask anyone who traveled through Bunkie or
Cheneyville if they have problems raising revenues from speeding fines on State
Highway 71.
It can't be a very bad place since Hank Williams Jr. was born there. So, if you're
going to sue, the casinos are the only ones with money. The rest of the state is
Greg Weathrman
Aerobiological Solutions Inc.
Arlington Va 22202
On 6/27/04, ff wrote:
> Mary:
> To be clear, I'm not from Louisiana, just lived there for a couple of years and
> traveled to there for many. Prior to that, it was 1680 when any of our family
> left VA for LA, for a short stay before joining up in FL.
> It does have a uniqueness. Is former LA Gov. Edwin Edwards still alive? If so,
> he could help locally with succession. His involvement would be necessary in
> shedding the liability, otherwise you guys up there would simpy be establishing
> one element of plaintiffs' fraud claim (you knew the waste was toxic to the
> environment, to the residents, and you kicked them out of the US to avoid
> liability..)
> ff
> On 6/27/04, Mary wrote:
>> Hey ff:
>> I've been meaning to ask you, is that Louisiana place you talk about some kind
>> of real state or something? By the sound of it maybe we should spin the whole
>> place off as a new country and shed the liability. he he he...
>> Best Regards,
>> Mary
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