Re: Northeast Specialty Hospital's COEM
Posted by Added PostScript on 5/08/05
Northeast Specialty Hospital is located in Braintree,
Massachusetts. It has a Center for Occupational and
Environmental Health (COEM). If you were to go to the
website whose address appears at the end of this post,
you would be able to see that it is affiliated with
the Harvard School of Public Health.
The website posted below exclusively profiles the
Northeast Specialty Hospital's Center for Occupational
and Environmental Medicine. The first section of it is
titled, "Diagnosis and Treatment of Occupational and
Environmental Illness". If you were to scroll down to
the end of that section, you would find a list of eleven
"occupational/environmental Illnesses" diagnosed and
treated at the COEM. That list is preceded by the
following statement:
"Those who suffer from types of
occupational/environmental illnesses
listed below will find help at the COEM."
The ninth illness listed is Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.
In fact, the tenth one listed is "Building-related Disease."
This is found at:
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