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    Re: Proof of Chemical Sensitivity in Mainstream Medical Research

    Posted by Pat on 3/26/05

    Vague phrases are like the static of a badly positioned radio.
    There was no outlined summary of the article cited. Not even
    a page number. Thus, there is no reason to believe that the
    subject matter in that article pertains to the subject matter
    addressed herein. Filing a civil action, in itself, is not a
    tort offense. Not even filing a class action is. Likewise,
    filing a single plantiff civil action can result in punitive
    costs and other costs against that one single plaintiff. So,
    what's the point in mentioning this?

    What does that particular article have to do with the repeated
    observation that certain persons spent efforts in seeking to
    destroy, in every venue available to them, the reputations of
    an entire class of people, while simultaneously omitting facts
    and citing things already reported to have been erroneously
    and/or incompletely presented?

    Anyway . . .To Whom it May Concern at Large, let's re-address
    the objective of seeking to find an efficacious way to procure
    the restoration of the destroyed reputations of an entire
    class of people; of a people who have been mocked and
    ridiculed in text and even on TV.

    We proceed to the following case in point:

    Certain persons have addressed the perfume intolerance
    phenomenon in either a false light or in a slight-of-hand
    approach that seeks to achieve evasive outcomes. One of the
    assertions has been that perfume-intolerant persons are merely
    mentally ill phobics of scent. Michael Fumento, for example,
    in a literary style reminiscence of the Vice President Spiro
    Agnew who resigned in disgrace, called such people
    "fragrant-phobic fruitcakes." Well, concerning that one
    allegation, let's let the board-certified, accredited, and
    licensed professionals of mainstream medical science do the

    1] Occupational acute anaphaylactic reaction to assault by
    perfume spray in the face; J Am Board Fam Pract. 2001 Mar-Apr;
    14(2):137-40. (Anaphaylactic reaction due to 3 sprays in the
    face, and no more than that.) Conclusions,(exact quote):

    "Perfumes are complex mixtures of more than 4,000 vegetable
    and animal extracts and organic and nonorganic compounds.
    Fragrances have been found to cause exacerbations of symptoms
    and airway obstruction in asthmatic patients, including chest
    tightening and wheezing, and are a common cause of cosmetic
    allergic contact dermatitis. In many work settings the use of
    fragrance is limited. Assault is becoming more common among
    workers in the health care setting. Workers should be
    prepared to take immediate steps should an employee go into
    anaphylactic shock."

    Found at:

    2] Inhalation challenge effects of perfume scent strips in
    patients with asthma (Dept. of Medicine, LSU Medical Ctr, New
    Orleans); Annals of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, 1995 Nov;
    75(5):429-33. Conclusion:

    "Perfume-scented strips in magazines can cause exacerbations
    of symptoms and airway obstruction in asthmatic patients.
    Severe and atopic asthma increases risk of adverse respiratory
    reactions to perfumes." (And yes, it was a double-blind
    study, using saline placebos.)

    Found at:

    3] Chloroatranol, an extremely potent allergen hidden in
    perfumes: a dose-response elicitation study. (National Allergy
    Research Centre, Gentofte Hospital, Univ. of Copenhagen,
    Denmark); Contact Dermatitis. 2003 Oct;49(4):180-4.

    found at:

    4]Content of oak moss allergens atranol and chloroatranol in
    perfumes and similar products. (Dept. of Environmental
    Chemistry and Microbiology, National Environmental Research
    Institute, Roskilde, Denmark); Contact Dermatitis. 2004
    Jun;50(6):367-70. (liquid chromatography-electrospray
    ionization-tandem mass spectrometry analysis of 31 products.)

    found at:

    5] Placebo-controlled challenges with perfume in patients with
    asthma-like symptoms. (Asthma and Allergy Centre, Sahlgrenska
    Univ. Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden); Allergy. 1996
    Jun;51(6):434-9. Conclusion:

    "The symptoms are not transmitted via the olfactory nerve,
    since the patients could not smell perfume, but they may been
    induced by a trigeminal reflex via the respiratory tract or by
    the eyes."

    found at:

    Plus, there is:

    6] Anaphylactic reaction following hair bleaching. (Klinikum
    der Universitat Regensburg, Germany); Hautarzt. 2005 Feb 2.
    (Resulted in unconsciousness, in one occasion. The other
    occasion of anaphylactic reactions was 3 hours after a patch
    test, in which, needless to say, the chemically sensitive 24
    year old lady tested positive.)

    found at:

    7] In fact, there is:

    Anaphylactic shock during endodontic treatment due to allergy
    formaldehyde in a root canal sealant. (Louis Pasteur
    University, Strasbourg, France); Allergy. 2003 Nov;58(11):1210-5.

    found at:

    And Concerning the press:

    8] The Account of a teacher undergoing an anaphylactic
    reaction due to perfume, in New Westminster England, 2004,

    found at:

    9] A Toxic Battery case in Scotland, concerning a chemically
    sensitive woman whose intolerance includes that of shampoo
    ingredients and perfume products. The assailant admitted that
    he knew of her condition, stating, "I did it to get her back.
    I regret doing it. I thought she would just get a rash."

    Reported by the BBC, it is found at:

    And then there is:

    10] Rhinolaryngoscopic examination of patients with the
    multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome. (Dept of Emergency
    Medicine, East Carolina University); Arch Environ Health. 1993

    found at:

    11] Confirmation of chemical sensitivity by means of
    double-blind inhalant challenge of toxic volatile chemicals;
    (Environmental Health Center -- Dallas); PubMed ID Number

    found at:

    There is much more that can be cited. Much more.

    On 3/24/05, mary wrote:
    > Yes my pals, there is hope!
    > See today's wallstreet journal. Can class action lawfirms be
    > subjected to class actions? Yes indeed! Justice for all at last!
    > My very, very best regards,
    > Mary

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