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    Re: Protected Class Members

    Posted by Pat on 4/06/05

    How do I get my message out?

    On 4/06/05, Mary wrote:
    > Pat:
    > I liked the Hail Mary part alot. You know, there really is a benefit to brevity. It
    > encourages people to actually read your posts. Do you WANT to come off like a wild
    > eyed ranter, or would you PREFER to get your message out. It really is your call.
    > Mary
    > On 4/06/05, Pat wrote:
    >> Oh, nothing here makes sense, at all. Not the cited Medical Abstracts of mainstream
    >> medicine. So, all those physicians and research professionals are incoherent? Not
    >> the medically approved diagnostic titles. Not the list of medical findings. Not
    >> the insult of defamation. Not human suffering in the midst of defamation. Not the
    >> goal of righting wrongs and returning truth where lies have replaced it. Not the
    >> NBC Dateline Report/Transcript that a person can easily access.
    >> You obviously are one of those people who say, "Pain? What pain? I don't feel a
    >> thing." And you were obviously never taught diplomacy. Likewise, you apparently
    >> haven't the fire to right wrongs. Such coldness is a useless existence.
    >> So, none of this makes sense, arrogant one? Did you write that with a smirk, by the
    >> way? You are perhaps a scholar who knows all. Well:
    >> --- Do you know what it is to suffocate? ---to find yourself doing sewer repair
    >> work, and after weeks into the project, you suddenly find yourself suffocating to
    >> the point where everything around you starts to look like a black and gray x-ray?
    >> --- Do you know what it is to spend shift after shift in highly alkaline work places
    >> that have enough concrete dust to cover you entirely, unaware that it would come to
    >> be found by medical science that such alkalinity causes havoc to the health, when
    >> occupied without a respirator? --- and then to do the stragetic cutting inside
    >> concrete boxes while the burning oil of a target saw is the only thing that you are
    >> smelling amidst oil-darkened cloud of dust, and then to not even care because the
    >> only thing on your mind is to make sure that the saw doesn't bounce directly into
    >> your face?
    >> --- to spend shift after shift amidst an aeromatic mixture of solvents, never
    >> thinking that you would one day become sensitized to them?
    >> --- to work with formaldehyde-bearing drywall on a historic site, only to get to the
    >> phase where you become so sensitized to the formaldehyde that you are unable enter
    >> that site without undergoing the immediate onset of asthma?
    >> --- to have a nearby worker cry out for the cage-crane to come take you out of an
    >> industrial well ASAP, apparently because the residue of the pickling of steel
    >> somehow triggered an asthma attack likened to an anacoda tightly wrapped around your
    >> chest?
    >> --- to go through a longterm carbon monoxide poisoning scenario that literally ended
    >> up in federal court documents and which caused a singular asthma condition to branch
    >> out into additional reactivity?
    >> ---Do you know what it is to wake up because all breathing has stopped, time and
    >> time again, even during the same night? And do you know what it is to leap out of
    >> bed fighting to inhale just one short breath, and then in the failure to do so, to
    >> literally drop to your knees and start praying a Hail Mary?
    >> ---Do you know it is to dry heave so intensely that the chest and bisceps cringe
    >> with pain? And do you know what it is to dry heave so intensely that you feel as if
    >> you are being punched from the inside at the lower right side of the rib cage?
    >> ---Did you ever have headaches so severe that the cheekbones and temples continue to
    >> feel bruised even a day after a headache long since subsided?
    >> ---Did you ever vomit at the smell of shampoo?
    >> ---Did you ever literally go to edge of the charts (off a standard deviation range)
    >> in certain medical testing?
    >> ---Do you know what it is to be in an ER and hear one of the medical attendants cry
    >> out, "Oh my God, he's down to such-and-such a number;" and then to hear the
    >> simultaneous "rip-tear-tear-rip-tear" of bags in the ER?
    >> ---Do you what it is to drive to an ER with only the use of your forearms, because
    >> your hands cramped-up and became inoperable, along with your mouth, during an asthma
    >> attack?
    >> ---Do you what it is to have been the stereotypical Italian, with the chiselled
    >> Roman features of the Pompeii/Avellino/Benevento variety, able to do acrobatic
    >> things as easily as others swept kitchen floors, and then to suddenly find that you
    >> couldn't do something as effortless as sit in a room without getting ill?
    >> ---Do you know what it is to be unable to attend Christmas dinners and
    >> get-togethers, because of the pine, the scented candles, the perfume, and the potpourri?
    >> ---Do you what it is like to be on six prescription medications monthly, simply for
    >> the purpose of keeping your asthma down to chronic mild shortness of breath with
    >> moments of temporary relief, if and onl if you remain in low-to-zero levels of
    >> irritant exposure, and then to find yourself becoming sensitized to three of the six
    >> medications?
    >> (There's more to mention. Much more.)
    >> All in all, if you knew what any of these things were like, then this entire section
    >> would immediately make sense to you. Very simply, when you suffer intensely, you
    >> don't have room in your appointment book for defamation of character ringing through
    >> the various venues where it rings.
    >> Now, I know what it is to work in minus 30 degree wind chills. I know what it is to
    >> be crushed between two 2,430 lb steel beams that shifted while I was on one of them.
    >> I know what it is to have a couple of concussions; suffered in football. And I
    >> know what it is like to play a varsite game in a high speed collision sport with
    >> exactly a 102.4 temperature (according to the team trainer). Am no stranger to the
    >> separated shoulder. No stranger to the broken nose (auto accident.) And I know
    >> what it is like to play an entire league game with a broken foot, as the lead-off
    >> hitter who is always given the "steal sign" as soon as he gets on base. In fact, I
    >> even know what it is to have an illness accompanied by a white blood cell count so
    >> high that a bone marrow tap and biopsy were performed, in order to see if there were
    >> cancer. Yet, in all of those things, nothing came close to the torment of Chemical
    >> Injury/Sensitization. (And those other things did involve pain, at one time or
    >> another.) This is because my variety of that illness assailed vital organs. Vital
    >> organs are vulnerable. Not even the steel beam crush injury was worse. In fact,
    >> getting crushed between those steel beams didn't hurt as badly as I thought it would.
    >> Do me a big favor: Stay away from me. You personally. And you stay away from me
    >> by staying away from my postings. Quit being an annoying fly that buzzes around.
    >> You are not a part of any solution. In fact, instead of spending your time here (at
    >> least since the Patrick Casanova days ending in 2003), why not look for a website
    >> that teaches you human decency and courtesy. Some of us have more than enough to
    >> suffer as it is, and have had so for consecutive years.
    >> On 4/05/05, mary wrote:
    >>> Kevin:
    >>> Actually the time to REALLY worry is when some of the things appearing at this
    >>> site begin to make SENSE.
    >>> Mary
    >>> On 4/05/05, Kevin wrote:
    >>>> On 4/05/05, Pat wrote:
    >>>> Man, you lost me.

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