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    Re: Chinese Drywall and Toxic Fumes

    Posted by jch on 2/09/09

    On 2/05/09, Rem Dude wrote:
    > Show me a single case where anyone has been harmed from exposure
    > to Chinese drywall. Considering the stuff has been in the market
    > for over 5 years, surely someone, somewhere has been hospitalized
    > as a result of their exposure to this deadly substance (if your
    > assumptions are correct that is)
    > Unless you are a HVAC copper coil, Chinese drywall is a nusance
    > and nothing more. Spreading hype and hysteria for financial gain
    > is morally and ethically wrong. The only people attempting to make
    > this an issue are those who routinely bilk the unsuspecting for
    > profit. I suppose with the black death mold hype losing steam,
    > poisonous cancer causing Chinese drywall controversy is a welcome
    > revenue stream.
    > Before any more consumers get bilked by some self-
    > professed “professional” wanting to charge thousands to test your
    > drywall, simply Google “chinese drywall environmental lab” and you
    > will find labs who are capable of testing your drywall (EMSL
    > Analytical) . This is the exact same protocol that the self-
    > professed professional will do. The only difference is you will
    > save many thousands of dollars and hours of “this is going to kill
    > you” BS.
    > Stop lining the pockets of charlatans!
    > RD
    > On 2/04/09, earniesfun wrote:
    >> I used to work for a regulatory agency and know that everyone
    > has
    >> a different safe level for toxic chemicals. I agree with
    > Peg9Sue.
    >> Also, just because a chemical is not above some OSHA standard,
    >> that does not mean hydrogen sulfide is not going to be sulfuric
    >> acid in the lungs and can scar some people's lungs. So Toni is
    >> right, too. What lab data is Remdude quoting when he or she says
    >> no Chinese drywall has ever given off dangerous levels of
    >> anything? By the way, what is a safe level for a cancer causing
    >> chemical in you daughter's lungs, Remdude?
    >> On 2/04/09, Peg9Sue wrote:
    >>> You may be right, but the facts are-
    >>> For many people, the first sign that they may have a drywall
    >>> problem is a the presence of a strong sulfur odor - often
    >>> described as the smell of rotten eggs. In some cases, the odor
    >>> is so bad, people are unable to live in their homes. Air-
    >>> conditioning evaporator coils, which are supposed to last a
    >>> decade or more, are corroding and failing in homes only a
    >>> couple of years old. Pipes and wiring may also be deteriorating
    >>> because of the Chinese drywall fumes.
    >>> Many people living in new Florida homes built with Chinese
    >>> drywall have also experienced health problems as a result of
    >>> the fumes in their homes. A toxicologist for the state of
    >>> Florida recently told one newspaper that the odor causes people
    >>> to experience mild and moderate respiratory irritation that
    >>> clears up when they leave the homes. Other residents have
    >>> reported that they are experiencing headaches that also go away
    >>> when they leave their houses. Other symptoms being reported
    >>> included irritated eyes, nose bleeds, coughing, sneezing,
    >>> difficulty breathing, and symptoms similar to bronchitis and
    >>> asthma.
    >>> Health worries have caused many people to flee their new
    >>> Florida homes. Health officials are most concerned that the
    >>> Chinese drywall fumes could be especially dangerous for
    >>> sensitive populations. These include the very young and the
    >>> elderly. People with asthma and chemical sensitivities would be
    >>> at greatest risk.
    >>> On 2/03/09, Rem Dude wrote:
    >>>> The PPM associated with drywall off gassing is well below
    >>>> any known danger thresholds. Anyone who is suggesting
    >>>> otherwise is simply attempting to profit off of hysteria and
    >>>> stupidity.
    >>>> Unless you are built of copper pipe, Chinese drywall is
    >>>> nothing more than a smelly problem.
    >>>> RD
    >>>> On 2/03/09, Toni41889 wrote:
    >>>>> Toxic Gases given off by Chinese Drywall
    >>>>> I heard a 20 minute interview today on Spainish radio in
    >>>>> Miami, Florida about hydrogen sulfide gas coming from
    >>>>> Chinese drywall and how it stayed on the Chinese barges
    >>>> for
    >>>>> months and deteriorated. Dr. Richard Lipsey from
    >>>>> Jacksonville, Florida told how the toxic gas converts to
    >>>>> sulfuric acid in the lungs and can kill. He talked about
    >>>>> the symptoms and the radio station was going to have the
    >>>>> listeners sign up for having their homes tested when Dr.
    >>>>> Lipsey was going to be in Miami.
    >>>>> Is there a class action lawsuit on the Chinese drywall
    >>>>> problem? There should be.
    I have definitely been the victim of toxic Chinese drywall. I have
    had respiratory problems, asthma, bronchitis, convulsions, dizziness
    and stroke-like symptoms. After thorough testing MRI's ...Cat
    Scans...and numerous physicians and neurologist they have yet to
    determine a cause. I can hardly catch my breath when in our home.
    Without a doubt my health has suffered.

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