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    Re: Chinese Drywall and Toxic Fumes

    Posted by johncodie on 2/27/09

    Take it from someone that knows Richard Lipsey. If Drywall
    is off gassing then it simply won't nail to the wall. Living
    next to swamps with the rotten egg smell and the natural
    effluence of sulfer gas does not pose a health hazard. It
    might stink but doesn't kill. Drywall is a gypsum inert
    minearl mined from some cliffs in England and being inert
    doesn't interact with much of anything. I don't know where
    some of you come up with these stories. One thing sure
    Richard would love to have an abundance of of additional
    testing to get him further along in his retirement.

    On 2/03/09, Toni41889 wrote:
    > Toxic Gases given off by Chinese Drywall
    > I heard a 20 minute interview today on Spainish radio in
    > Miami, Florida about hydrogen sulfide gas coming from
    > Chinese drywall and how it stayed on the Chinese barges for
    > months and deteriorated. Dr. Richard Lipsey from
    > Jacksonville, Florida told how the toxic gas converts to
    > sulfuric acid in the lungs and can kill. He talked about
    > the symptoms and the radio station was going to have the
    > listeners sign up for having their homes tested when Dr.
    > Lipsey was going to be in Miami.
    > Is there a class action lawsuit on the Chinese drywall
    > problem? There should be.

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