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    Post: Chinese Drywall Update 3-22-09

    Posted by Rem Dude on 3/22/09

    Was catching up on the latest and ran across this article
    by Dr. Phillp Goad.

    "What has been found in drywall?

    Re Dr. Richard Lipsey's Feb. 8 article Know symptoms of
    toxic-gas exposure: Under my direction, the Center for
    Toxicology and Environmental Health has performed air
    sampling and examined the results of similar sampling
    performed by other organizations on behalf of Lennar.
    There are some misleading statements in the article.
    First, of the various sulfur compounds mentioned by
    Lipsey, only carbon disulfide and carbonyl sulfide have
    been consistently detected. No sulfur dioxide has ever
    been detected and hydrogen sulfide only rarely so. We have
    also found similar levels of these compounds in homes with
    domestic drywall and in outside air samples.

    Second, contrary to his statements, the gases hydrogen
    sulfide, carbonyl sulfide and carbon disulfide do
    not ''become corrosive sulfuric acid'' when inhaled into
    the lungs. These compounds are normally found in the human
    body, but sulfuric acid is not a product formed in the
    body from these compounds.

    Third, Lipsey discussed the formation of sulfuric acid
    from sulfur dioxide. However, as mentioned above, we've
    never detected sulfur dioxide in any of our testing.

    Finally, a discussion about the possible health effects of
    chemicals is misleading if it does not point out that
    these effects are dependent on the level of chemicals to
    which someone is exposed.

    The two chemicals we and others have consistently found in
    air testing, carbon disulfide and carbonyl sulfide, were
    detected at concentrations below federal and state health
    guidelines -- and hundreds to thousands of times lower
    than levels shown to cause harm.

    The chemicals we identified in our testing are naturally
    occurring, being produced from ocean water, salt marshes
    and estuaries, soil, vegetation and forests. They also are
    normally present in the human body and have been measured
    in human breath at higher concentrations than we detected
    in our home sampling.

    PHILLIP T. GOAD, managing partner and principal
    toxicologist, Center for Toxicology and Environmental
    Health, North Little Rock, Ark."

    Sounds like Dr. Goad slammed the door pretty hard on
    Lipsey for spreading hype and misinformation
    regarding "toxic" Chinese drywall.

    So far, no one has found dangerous levels of sulfur
    compounds in any homes tested.


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