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    Re: Chinese Drywall

    Posted by Dr. Richard Lipsey, Jacksonville, FL on 7/03/09

    I was informed about some misinformation that has been
    posted on this chat board and was asked to report the facts
    in case there are actually researchers and scientists that
    read posts on this chat board.

    Contrary to the erroneous claims of anonymous posters on
    this chat board, there have been high levels of hydrogen
    sulfide gas COMMONLY found in the air in homes in Louisiana
    and Florida as well as carbonyl sulfide and carbon disulfide
    when Chinese drywall has been used in the construction of

    Contrary to misinformation posted on this chatboard,
    hydrogen sulfide is not only commonly found in the air from
    Chinese drywall samples, when sampling is done properly, but
    in high concentrations causing nose bleeds and burning the
    eyes, nose and throats of people living in the homes. I have
    taken hundreds of samples from homes in several states and
    the results are consistent. Iron disulfide is a contaminant
    in Chinese drywall with levels up to 2,400 ppm, while US
    drywall will average 349 ppm based on my sampling. Strontium
    sulfide levels, another contaminant,are many times higher in
    Chinese drywall compared to US drywall according to testing
    using XRF technology. This compound is known to produce
    hydrogen sulfide gas.

    The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry,
    Public Health Service, U. S. Dept. of Health and Human
    Services has published a minimum risk level of only 0.020 ppm
    in the air while EPA has established a chronic inhalation
    reference concentration of 0.002 mg/cubic meter of air in a
    home base on a no adverse effect level (NOAEL) of 13.9
    mg/cubic meter of air. ( 0.001 ppm = 0.002 mg/cubic meter of
    air.) These air levels are often exceeded in homes containing
    Chinese drywall and inhalation is the primary method of
    exposure with hydrogen sulfide gas.

    I hope these facts clear up some of the misinformation
    concerning Chinese drywall is case there are scientists and
    researchers that read this chat board.

    Dr. Richard Lipsey (904) 398-2168
    550 Water St, #1230, Jacksonville, FL 32202
    Toxicologist and former Univ. Florida Professor, Toxicology,
    & Adj Prof, Univ. N. FL, teaching OSHA HazMat certification,
    Fla. Comm. College Jax, Institute of Occ. Safety & Health,
    Florida Poison Info Center, Jax., Clinical Tox Advisory Comm.

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