Re: chinese dry wall
Posted by MBobMean on 4/30/10
On 3/27/09, Mary wrote:
> Citing Goad, who is an insurance
> hack, who is trying to get into consulting
Actually, I knew Phil Goad in Arkansas. He has been a
consulting toxicologist for two decades, he is fairly
circumspect and not anyone I would accuse of just pumping
out something to make an insurer happy. He's no Johnny come
You all should not make accusations about people you do not
The firm he works for does a great deal of environmental
good by responding to train derailments, they're not
industry shills. They dissociated form the people they use
dot work with who did nothing but defense work, as best I
know, they are far more environmental than human tox, but
they are very competent. Very.
Too many people on these boards think that if someone
disagrees they are lying, science is a tad more difficult
than that simple assessment indicates OK?
If Phil Goad thought something was harmful he'd say so.
This board has such a small amount of credibility already,
best not to toss it away in an angry fit of pique.
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