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    Post: mr PC.Junkie( john codie,aka-rem dude

    Posted by rem-chick on 4/25/10

    Your comments about john codie,(REM DUDE) or whoever he may
    become tomorrow, are all-RIGHT ON! I have my own theory
    about "THE BOY", and i read his crap,and just by listening
    to some of the crap he says, tells me alot of things about
    him. Hes a pretender,thats,what it comes down too, and he
    has nothing better to do and probably no friends, so he can
    be a computer junkie,groupie or whatever term you use, and
    be a pretender,a big nobody, that maybe our govt. pays to
    come on these sights and shoot his mouth off, where no-one
    can have at him,it probably gives him that"GOOD FEELIN". I
    usually ignore him. He trashes anything someone has to say.
    Its people like him, that make a good web site, turn into a
    sight that people wont come back to, cause no one wants to
    listen to your crappy comments. Its like watching repeats
    on tv, any more, when I get on here. Same ole, same ole,
    please, find a place to disappear, for these people that
    want to be heard without your mouth, or ass (same
    difference,) right!!!John codie is boring and depressing.
    john codie is t

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