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    Post: who is: Jon codie?

    Posted by could cares-less on 4/25/10

    john codie is "THE POOR and BORING". He's probably some
    injurred worker, getting min wage, to try and use these
    little scheme tactics of his, & along, with his big mouth
    and sarcisms, he might have a reverse effect on someones
    thoughts or needs, and in ways,maybe he thinks hes a sort
    of 'distraction' for some people, trying to solve their
    issues,and things in there lives,and he might sort of MIS-
    LEAD someone,as if to slow down ones progress in getting a
    situation going and getting it resolved. Hes really not
    very intelligant,but he has a way of sounding as if he were
    some expert. I can tell that he does'nt read the fine print
    very well, before he opens his choppers and makes
    comments,on areas he knows"ZILCH" nothing about. He did
    that to me, one time, I told him to shut up and he did! Hes
    a young boy that has no drive, like alot of young people
    today, and he wants to be somebody,besides a pretender-

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