Post: whos job is it to:

Posted by Ahyehok on 4/26/10
wa. st. had many small, but very dangerous, fiberglass boat companies. I was employed by 6 or more, for over 30 yrs, until i was disabled in 2002, for CNS damage peripheral neuropathies,parkinsons,fibromyalgia,liver, kidney, bowel, bladder, heart, ears,glaucoma, and a brain injury. The blding where we were ,had a storm drain in it, which later on i found out, by snooping, that they were using the draain for hazardous waste. the drain went into the river (this went on for 25 years or so, before they got caught by the ecology dept. who fined them for every thing and who said they were constantly breaking the rules. Whos rules. Why did they not(EPA)call osha or nihs, niehs or whoever to do an inspection. why did they do itall? shouldnt other agencies have gotten involved? and about all these little niehs, nih l&I, osha/wisha, passing the buck. they brag about all their rules and promises safety classes, hazmat safety, etc.. who and when do they carry this out or teach this stuff, and offer training hrs,etc... do they, they do it or is your employer suppose to do it? cuz for my 30+yrs in the business, not once did i see any thing carried ot by them, no inspections, nothing. They just take the employers word and believe they will not break the rules, even repeat offenders. somethings not up to par. our govt is sneaky and a bunch of bs. IM wasting my time, arent i?
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