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    Re: Dursban Poisoning

    Posted by ff on 3/20/06

    As just a very basic thought, dursban/chlorpyrifos has been around
    for a long time. I looked for, but failed to locate, a book
    published by EPA (roughly 1989) on treating pesticide poisoning.
    There be something there, for example, cholestyramine was listed
    for chronic exposure to some classes of chemicals.


    On 3/20/06, Roy D. Shepard wrote:
    > Weed killer and Pesticide Poisoning
    > Problem:
    > Is there any Medical literature available, that I can obtain
    > copies, for treating neurological problems related to the use of
    > Commercial weed killers, Dursban, insecticides, and other
    > toxic derivatives and substances.
    > Discussion:
    > Note: I am a Consulting Engineer, and a Diabetic, who has not
    > hesitated to research into the causes, and hopefully, the cure,
    > of Type II Diabetes, by reading related Medical papers such as
    > those published in the Biophyscal Journal, and other similar
    > Journals, as time and money permit. I understand and recognize
    > the diabetic symtoms V-E-R-Y C-L-E-A-R-L-Y!
    > When I got out of the Hospital after my Triple Bypass, my
    > friend/neighbor across the street from my house, Fred and his
    > wife, assisted me in recovering, by providing chauffeuring,
    > cooking and other physical chores, until I had recovered enough
    > of my strength and stamina to once again be on my own.
    > In the course of these actions, I found out that Fred was
    > stuggling with some kind of illness himself. In several private
    > conversations, he revealed to me that in the past, he was a very
    > active outdoors individual who ran his own business:
    > landscaping, lawn care, floral and grass installations, design
    > and maintenance. In this business he used many spray and powder
    > weed and insect killers. He did N-O-T pay close attention to
    > label warnings about potential neurological and other health
    > related problems that can occur by direct skin absorbtion.
    > Now, under treatment for increasing neurological problems, Fred
    > tells me that the increasing number of Doctors he has seen, keep
    > asking if he has Diabetes and testing him for it. Fred tells me
    > that he keeps telling these Doctors of his past work history,
    > according to him, they ignore his testimony, and perform all
    > kinds of tests, apparently unable to recognize the neurological
    > symptoms, which are, as I hear them described, quite clear to me.
    > Nine (9) days ago, Fred climbed a ladder, and this activity
    > pulled a tendon under his left knee. I had suspected for some
    > time, based on his complaints, that he was developing Peripheral
    > Artial disease. When I saw him yesterday, 19 March, I
    > necrosis setting in below his left knee. He is in constant
    > pain. He is going to lose part, or all, of his left leg below
    > the knee. He is only 45 years old.

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