Re: Is there a such thing as successfully going up vs CDC
Posted by ff on 8/08/04
I suggest finding another way, a short-cut if there is one.
Typically, the agencies are only as good as the information
they get from industry. Industry even jokes about this.
They (industry) refer to the agencies as only being
interested in the "appearance of good science," or "we all
know that anybody good works for industry."
The public is easily DuPed by industry, and out of their
desire to survive, agency employees end up in overly
cooperative relationships with industry. EPA's current
administrator has a speech posted on which
refernces "cutting edge" science in the agency (obviously
they are unwilling to admit their science doesn't cut it).
Look up Lynn Goldman and William Reilly, where did they end
up after leaving EPA?
Jumping ahead, agencies are hardly in a position to protect,
while absent critical information industry routinely
excludes while projecting the appearance of good science.
Finally, once a product is registered, the agencies see
recalls as an indication or admission of their failure to
function as the public generall percieves, i.e. that they
somehow know what they're doing.
If you'll look at the regulatory side, the policing side,
and hypothetically speaking, they had rather go after a
farmer who overfilled his tractor fuel tank, than the
manufacturer of a widely used chemical that poisons
millions. Look how long it took for EPA to act on
chlorpyrifos - and note that the studies on which the
decision was based, were old, not new.
On 8/07/04, Erin wrote:
> I am wondering if there is a point to going up against the
> CDC/EPA/FDA. Has anyone ever been successful? What if Bush
> is successful in sneaking in this whole protect everyone
> but the citizens in regards to the FDA and Pharma?
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