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    Post: Camp Lejeune Water Contamination

    Posted by Carol Hill on 9/10/05

    Terry Dyer/Karen Strand

    Meetings on Capital Hill with Congressional Leaders
    Scheduled for September 21-23, 2005

    Did you live or work aboard Camp Lejeune, NC from 1964-
    1985? Military service personnel and civilian workers
    who were on base during that time period were potentially
    exposed to several toxic chemicals in their drinking water,
    groundwater and the soil in certain areas of the base.
    Main housing areas were confirmed to be contaminated.
    Chemicals known to cause cancer and other illnesses in
    humans were present. Chemicals such as trichloroethylene
    (TCE), tetrachloroethylene(PCE), benzene, dichloroethylene
    (DCE), methylene chloride and vinyl chloride., among
    others, along with fuels were released into the water on
    base. Insecticides were found in the soil in parking lots
    and play areas.

    Hazardous contaminants were found at levels hundreds to
    thousands of times in excess of the range of health based
    standards according to tests conducted in 1982 and 1984.
    As a result, wells were taken offline in 1984 and 1985.

    “Camp Lejeune presents a groundwater contamination site of
    unusually high level of concern,” said Richard Mass, co-
    director of the Environmental Quality Institute at UNC
    Ashville and member of an independent panel formed to
    investigate the contamination of the Marine Base’s water
    systems. “It became clear to me from my work on the panel
    that our country had treated these people unfairly,” Maas

    Members of the group THE STAND, and other representatives
    of those affected are going to be in Washington, DC,
    September 21-23, meeting with congressional leaders to
    discuss the effect of this contamination and to request
    further investigation and remedies.

    The Stand was formed by military dependants affected by
    the groundwater contamination who saw the need for a united
    front of people who lived at Tarawa Terrace and Hadnot
    Point . The mission of the group, who’s membership
    continues to grow since 2002, is to receive justice for
    civilian, military and dependent peace-keepers that were
    wounded as a result of toxic chemical poisoning at Camp
    Lejeune, North Carolina. For more information please visit

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    Toxic Water Camp Lejeune

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