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    Post: bed bugs

    Posted by sloopy on 10/28/06

    I'm not sure if I am writing to the correct spot or not,
    but if not, I hope
    you will forward it
    to the correct department or organization, so thanks in

    My question is this:
    What kind of breathing apporatus or system do bed bugs
    have that even bug bombs don't work????

    The bed bug problem is becoming an epidemic around the
    world, mainly because DDT is banned
    in most places. Vacationers, college kids and business
    travelers are bringing them
    home without knowing it.

    They are spreading like wildfire, from hotels, dorm rooms,
    cruise ships, to private
    homes and then back to other hotels, when the homeowner
    moves out (while his home
    is being treated...mostly unsuccessfully) or when the
    hotel guest finds them in
    his bed and then moves to another hotel, unknowling
    carrying them in his luggage
    to infect the new hotel. And they are almost impossible
    to get rid of without DDT.
    They have already cost the hotel industry millions

    Now that WHO (World Health Org.) has reversed it's ban on
    using DDT on Malarial
    Mosquitoes by
    allowing the spraying the inside of homes... how about
    allowing us normal people
    to use DDT in our houses,
    hotels, ships and dorm rooms by selling it in only 1
    gallon packaging at outragious
    prices. I don't think it would be
    economical for farmers to purchase 1000's of small
    packages to spray their fields
    (hence, the reasoning behind
    the outragous prices, but trust me, those who have bed
    bugs would pay ANY price
    to really get rid of them).

    And that was the main reason behing the banning of DDT,
    because the widespread spraying
    of fields was hurting the environment. Now I'm an
    environmental geek myself,
    so I'm all for protecting what we have on this earth.
    But bringing back DDT for indoor use would not hurt the
    environment, and could end
    the bed bug problem that
    is growing by leaps and bounds.

    Can You Help bring DDT back, or send this to someone who
    might be able to help?


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