Post: OSHA inspector not I.H. exposure/Acid,HydrazineMixed no warn
Posted by r walsh on 5/28/04
Atty needs help in dealing with Fed OSHA. Complaint filed (in 30day window/proof fax and phone rec.) OSHA says no complaint filed, yet sets me up with Whistelblower fraud. My atty has no expeiance, afraid of OSHA. I have Toxic incompatable storage inventories, photos of flooded lockers w/water reactives. (Hydrazine/Acids/Nitric Acid/Battary Acid/Photo chemicals all mixed) Mutagen/Taratogen/Carcinogens mixed no plackards/warning signs. I was told not to post them. This is a public site on Naval Station.and I have proof, photos and witnesses. 2 Fires already happened w/photos. 75% work site burned down.. Fed Osha sends a Cal Osha rep. he reported "the boxes and place looked clean" and when asked by me his background "I have no understanding of chemicals or chem compatability" Yet I was denied case trial and now being denied Civil Action. Site Manager told employees to lie of fires. Inspector did not even ask Fire Dept. Inspector bought it. Case not started can someone help me. This is crazy.
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