Re: pymt point values
Posted by shellyville on 12/09/07
On 12/09/07, April wrote:
> AHP - the firm - diet drug settlement webpage does not
> seem to get updated. Claimants are labeled only by a
> filing number not by name. Matrix benefits are assigned by
> a relative payment value/ point system for each matrix
> claimant. Is there an updated report somewhere that links
> each claimants point value to their designated filing/case
> number? Or would that make it too easy for us all to see
> that dollar amounts and claims don't add up. Like if a
> relative payment value of 25 was assigned to a claimant
> and each point is worth say $10,000 that claimamt would
> get $250,000 on their case. Curious as to what point
> values were assigned. I don't believe that the dollar
> amount per point is supposedly between 10,000 to 15,000 a
> point. With only 2,000 audits left to be settled before
> the final dollar amount per point can be calculated it
> doesn't add up in my eyes. Then again, the figures I quote
> is figures my attorney guesstimated to me. And attorney
> fees were capped nation wide by the seventh ammendment I
> thought at 33 1/3. And reimbursement for the echos and
> prescriptions. Being jilted by counsel is one thing but
> being jilted by the justice system is overwhelming me.
Check the web sight on
someone posted there today
> Breaks my heart,oops my bad I mean what's left of my heart.
> It is our heart and our body that has been damaged. Thanks
> for your time. I'm sorry for whinning.
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