Post: Fiberglass Boat Company's

Posted by D.Lindquist on 3/26/10
Maybe it's a good thing that the economy took a DIP,it put a lot of small businesses out, like Washington's finest fib- erglass boat company's, who got away with murder, at$5.00 an hour, that was really sad,losing 2 & almost 3 co workers one day at work. If they would have been doing their jobs that go with niehs,nih,osh's, coosh,ecy,dol.,and all those stupid little ("pass the buck") dept. names and whatever they mean,a lot of people wouldn't have some of the major problems that I and others have incurred by working in the fiberglass industry, with no education on working with all these hazardous chemicals. If I would have known I'd have brain damage and disabled at 50, I would not have continued working in that profession. It's what I didn't know, thats what got me in trouble.I notice now a days, they are doing their jobs a lot differentally.Thanks for not being there!
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