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    Posted by louis robinson on 5/07/12

    On 4/19/10, Judy Blackard wrote:
    > April 19, 2010
    > I was exposed to Mineral Wool Quartz Insulation in a
    > building I leased for my business of nine years. It was an
    > old historical building in Plano, Texas. I had excessive
    > amounts of dust continually shutting the HVAC down. Lost
    > HVAC compressor. Landlord decided to unfilter building,
    > which was previously semi-filtered causing large amounts of
    > particulate debris and rodent fecal matter causing
    > fiberglass dermatitis of skin and histoplasmosis of lungs.
    > Dr. Craig Glazer, UTSW says histoplasmosis is prevalent
    > from the Trinity River ofDallas through the Ohio River
    > Valley and is a problem for respiratory health.
    > The Mineral Wool Quartz Insulation is manufactured by
    > Certainteed Corporation who is now bankrupt and operating
    > under another name due to buyouts. Still poisoning
    > I confronted my landlord, with absolute abandonment as he
    > produced fibrous glass tests and asbestos tests that
    > revealed fibrous glass in air sampling studies. When study
    > was initiated, landlord specifically requested no testing
    > be done for SILICA. Thus trying to hide the problem that
    > was causing my health problems: sores on my exposed skin
    > and loss of lung capacity 40&37; within six months of
    > unfiltration, documented, tested by immunologist.
    > Attempted biopsy on May 31, 2007 by general practicioner to
    > identify sores embedded in my scalp. During biopsy, Doctor
    > caused severe bleeding and sent me to emergency room at
    > Richardson Regional Medical Center. They decided I was
    > delusional about fiberglass in my skin, and I was a
    > "cutter" and a danger to myself and should be admitted for
    > observation. I was given heavy sedation and railroaded into
    > the Psychiatric Ward for mandatory observation! My family
    > believed the hospital. All except my kids! They have stood
    > by me. Order for Protective Custody and $23,000.00 for an
    > eleven day trip through hell in their psychiatric ward.
    > Forced to take Zyprexa with seizure. I was miraculously
    > released by court order to the custody of my kids.
    > I then forensicly tested the building that was killing me.
    > Armstron Forensic Lab performed air quality testing, mold
    > level sampling and the test my landlord did not want taken:
    > Silica!
    > My landlord evicted me, criminally trespassed me and
    > prosecuted me to protect himself and Traveler's Insurance
    > Co. I began my medical journey with all the dermpath labs
    > missing the polarization of foreign substances in biopsies.
    > Quest, Dermpath, Cockerell, Omnipath all said no foreign
    > substance: Psoriasis, Actinic Keratosis, Lichen Simplex
    > Chronicus, Tinea Fungus, were some of the dermatologic
    > diagnosis. I began to realize after contacting several
    > medical facilities how you could polarize silica in a human
    > skin biopsy. They were stumped, even the Mayo Clinic said
    > they did not have the spectroscopy or polarization to
    > reveal silica. I was shocked.
    > I finally, after much searching, found a lab that
    > identified the silica in my skin. I was insured by Blue
    > Cross & Blue Shield at the time and they denied my
    > $3,000.00 biopsy analysis with Chemir Analytical and said
    > it was investigative and they would not pay the claim or
    > the derm biopsy fee.
    > I sold my horsetrailer, and biopsied my scalp by Dr. Eric
    > Weisberg of Frisco, Texas who also saw me during my vacancy
    > of the building. He was stumped and didn't know what it was
    > other than what the previous reports revealed.
    > I received the results from Chemir which revealed the awful
    > truth: Four different kinds of silica, copper, titanium and
    > aluminum were embedded through the dermis of my scalp.
    > Parkland Hospital of Dallas recommended I surgically remove
    > my entire scalp and attach new skin from my buttocks! I
    > chose to exfoliate and have been for almost three years
    > what nine years of dust landing on my skin caused. I have
    > pneumoconiosis due to silica or other silicates, Psoriasis,
    > Vascular expansion of my arteries causing excessive blood
    > flow to brain causing overactive mental state known as
    > HYPERVERBAL! Diagnosed for $23K at RRMC!
    > I filed suit against landlord for premises liability fraud
    > of knowing of a dangerous condition, concealment of
    > dangerous condition, and retaliation of eviction to cover
    > up this awful situation.
    > I was left pro se in September 2008 and have been since
    > only to be summary judgmented by a corrupt Judge in Collin
    > County Texas, I am now at the 5th COA hoping for a reversal
    > so I might see my trial date and justice for what they did
    > to me.
    > If you would like to identify your affliction of skin
    > issues, please contact me and I will reveal the truth to
    > you as the medical community will not. They will call is
    > ten million different diseases and when they don't know
    > what it is they create a name and label it. Morgellon's
    > Disease is a prime example of this. They came to Dallas,
    > Channel ll featured a story on Morgellon's and asked
    > volunteers with these sores to join Oklahoma State
    > University for a Controlled Study. The study began in 2006
    > and ended in 2008. The CDC and OSU are in some conflict and
    > the results have not been released....yet! They are hiding
    > the truth what Morgellon's Disease is. I have a doctor
    > friend who is sending her skin biopsy, the dust in her
    > home, and the insulation in her attic. It will cost almost
    > $5,000.00 to test. I believe we will see some results that
    > will open the door to identification of this disease which
    > I am suspicious of the Pink Panther Insulation products. We
    > call it dust when it comes out of the small ceiling
    > register, with air and rat feces, particulate debris of all
    > kinds. Check your dust and rise above. The government is
    > holding the truth to protect the insulation manufacturers
    > from future litigation of the masses much like the Asbestos
    > Era of Lawsuits, which now are governed by a Mesothelioma
    > Cancer Diagnosis to be compensated. I want the world to
    > know the truth as I am now disabled and dysfunctional. I
    > look like smeigel in lord of the rings. I'm still me, I
    > just look different from three years ago. I have to shave
    > my entire body especially my scalp to remove the miniscule
    > particles of quartz dust shards of glass and debris.
    > Hopefully this nightmare will be over soon! No thanks to
    > Medicaid and their doctors. If I had money I could pay to
    > remove this with laser pixel surgery. Very expensive.
    > almost $11,000.00 for my face alone!
    > Please feel free to contact me I have lots of remedies to
    > soothe your pain and suffering.
    > God Bless All Afflicted!

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