Post: fiberglass slivers everywhere in and on my body!

Posted by Kammy Borth on 5/02/16
Hello! Two and a half years ago I was at my friend's house and he was making ice candle molds with fiberglass and Superglue. I had opened his shop door with my right hand and and I got a sliver in my middle finger and my thumb I felt it like 2 days later but when I went to go take the sliver out I couldn't see anything I thought it was just wood but i wasn't that lucky!!! Now they are all over...... My scalp from showering my eyes nose and lungs! I've had it and have tried everything out there.... I'm scared to even hug and snuggle with my daughter in fear that i spread them to her....! OMGOSH..... SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME...?!?!
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