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    Post: help needed!!!!!!! Time may be running out!!!!

    Posted by Wendi Whitzell on 5/10/06

    I need so much help. I am not sure where to start. In 1974
    my father was exposed to toxic chemical solvents that he
    worked with with his bare hands while working as a
    civilian on a military instalation. A list was formed and
    co workers became sick with various forms of cancer. As
    soon as their sickness was documented, then they where
    assisted in filing for federal workman's compesation. My
    father was just waiting for cancer to strike. Little did
    he know that he had been injured in other ways. It wasn't
    until 1981 when he he wAS FINALLY and successfully
    diagnosed with inorganic damage to his brain and
    chromosomes due to exposure to those very chemicals.
    Unfortunately he could not find anyone to assist him with
    filing his claim. In fact he did not receive any of the
    assistence his coworkers received. Instead he was told
    that his statute of limitation Had ran out and was denied.
    He did finally find an attorney (a defence attorney) that
    took his case. In my opinion, it was like a family
    practice doctor trying to cure cancer. He has been half
    heartedly keeping my father at bay by throwing him a bone
    ever now and again. My father is in very poor health. This
    needs to be resolved NOW! I just don't know where to turn.
    I just know I need for him to see victory before he dies.
    Please, Can Anyone Help! Please respond soon. Wendi in

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