Post: missdiagnosised bwc claim
Posted by don meach jr on 9/15/07
In 1998 i was injured in the parking lot of my former employer,I went to a chiropractor he filed on bwc claim L1,L2 disc were injured in my back based on xrays taken in his office,In 2005 i had my first mri it showed L1,L2 Were not the problem but most the disc below them had problems.I seen a spine specialist this is how i found this out,he sent the chiroprater a report,the chiroprator was in process of changeing owenership,nothing was done.In 2007 i had a new mri showed the same thing no problems with L1.L2 only disc below them,seen same spine specialist who would consider surgury if claim was for the corect disc problem,My attorneys seem to be dragging there feet on getting this problem ammended This is in ohio i have both sets of mri films new owner of chiroprater is trying to find origanal xrays,And is very supportive of the problem.DOES ANYBODY HAVE ANY ADDVICE OR HAS ANYONE HAD A SIMULAR SITUATION THAT COULD HELP,I have been unable to work since 2000 I would love to hear from the lady who use to work for B.W.C in the past I need to get the claim corrected so i can get surgury
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