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    Post: Osha/L&I- of Wash.St.

    Posted by toxifried on 10/07/09

    How can I prove Myself if the government only keeps records
    for 7 years & toss them? If I am the only one that lived to
    tell after accidentally swallowowing toluene, they need to
    listen to what I have to say. I can show them where they
    went wrong,& maybe I wouldn't have had such a nightmare in
    my life. They don't want to hear it! How in the world am I
    going to prove myself? I do have copies of exposures from
    microfisch & all my medical problems I've encountered & if
    they would have had any knowledge about exposures,they
    would have caught it when it happened! I have all the proof
    right here, but they through it away- need some copies?
    Mine don't count? I am only just beginning to see reality,
    something I didn't pay any attention to until now, & I see
    why people are allways b......., about the gov. I need to
    know who was not doing theyre job & caused me this

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