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    Re: case number for workmens comp

    Posted by Tracey on 6/21/06

    On 2/28/06, Joseph wrote:
    > On 7/21/04, carol wrote:
    >> looking for a case number for a case against Associated
    >> aircraft in a settlement in 2000 or 2001 in workmens comp.
    >> in Ohio for my father who worked there in 1950 around
    >> radioactive chemicals. How can I find this info and where?
    > Carol,
    > Would this be a federal sector case or a state case?


    The case number for an ohio BWC case would be the claim number
    when there is a settlement with the industrial commission or
    internally through the BWC. It doesn't go to the county courts
    unless major litigation is involved.

    Most likely what happened here is they got her father to settle
    out his claim with an offer of money that may have seemed like a
    good deal after all of these years of trouble, or he was in need
    of some cash because of illness, financial problems, etc...

    This may be an old PTD case and the Lump sum settlement
    department is encouraged to get the old PTD cases to settle to
    get them off of the books and cut costs because of the growing
    medical expenses of the IW becoming old and going to the doctor
    for aging issues and a lot of medication and medical bills were
    being filed under workers comp and many times the hospital visit
    did not have anything to do with the original injury. (This is
    very important) However, if the original injury caused
    something degenerative and chronic they should consider their
    options before settling a claim.

    But many years ago, people could get on PTD much easier and they
    were not as fine tuned in pin pointing the actual ICD code and
    diagnosis to the actual injury.

    Maybe this was more information than you needed.


    She is looking for a claim number, and it would be used as the
    Case number in the Industrial Commission when settlement orders
    are written.

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