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    Post: They Want To Crucify Me 2

    Posted by Envied Yet Unfortunate on 1/23/03

    I think I'm at the right chatboard now, I'd like to get
    some answers from concerned folks that understand, or
    perhaps are going through the same.
    I don't like people watching and observing what I like and
    dislike so they can play against me on my comfort and
    convenience. Because, it's not long and they try to deprive
    me of what I thrive for, like they don't thrive for the
    same things themselves? I'll bet!!! This is as though to
    say "we hate you and feel you shouldn't have your comfort
    and convenience, only people like us can have that."
    Or maybe they feel I'm getting away with something they are
    deprived of. Actually I don't give a $#!+ who's glutton for
    suffering and exposing themselves to toxins. I don't care,
    I won't harm my health for no one.
    My question is, if I am being deliberately attacked for
    personal preferences (such as my desire to avoid toxic
    substances that trigger my MCS, or chemical exposure that
    just generally worries me about developing a deadly
    disease), and force me to inhale these chemicals can I SUE
    MY TORMENTORS? Aren't they 'HARASSING' me? Since it is
    generally up to me, yes me whether or not I wish to expose
    myself to discomfort and harm. Also, is it allowed that I
    give defensive looks when I know I'm being studied,
    watched, and personally attacked? Without being so falsely
    accused of being some dangerous person who may do this or
    that, and some desperate gullible police officer believing
    the malicious lies of my enemy, and actually 'arresting' me
    for such absolute nonsense?

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