Post: hydrogen sulfide disabled several in workplace
Posted by Michelle Grew on 1/26/03
I am one of several persons disabled for life because of
some people who decided to renovate, without state and
local permits, this former garage contained manholes and
other assorted drains and tanks under the floor. The
landlord decided as a escavator to cover these items
including a buried septic tank with cement and sand and
then rent the buidling to 4 tenants at a time without
disclosing what they did. Each tenant complained of the
rotten egg smell and others odors, the landlord then
evicted each complainer and did nothing to fix the deadly
problem. Two toddlers began nosebleeds and began
siezuring, one teenager had emergency surgery to open a 98%
blocked airway, 3 ladies had heart attacks, several persons
were hospitalized with unknown aliments, 1 lady nearly died
while pregnant, (forcing termantion of pregnancy), one
tenant was found uncounscious and reieved brain damage.
This happened in the state of MI. It has become know to us
that many cities in MI have this problem and the government
there is doing all it can including breaking law after law
to keep it quite. Is there anyone interested in joining a
group to learn more???
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