Re: hydrogen sulfide disabled several in workplace
Posted by Deborah D. on 2/05/03
Yes, but some consider me a soul who lives dangerously!
I care, but my life expectancy has been shortened
considerably. Any expenditure of energy in this area must be
benefit me in some way; I have been battling slumlords for 20
years. I am not getting any younger, or any healthier.
Feel free to contact me and I will share whatever I can to
assist in any legitmate, honorable, way to fix this horrible
situation that is tearing our country apart internally.
On 1/26/03, Michelle Grew wrote:
> I am one of several persons disabled for life because of
> some people who decided to renovate, without state and
> local permits, this former garage contained manholes and
> other assorted drains and tanks under the floor. The
> landlord decided as a escavator to cover these items
> including a buried septic tank with cement and sand and
> then rent the buidling to 4 tenants at a time without
> disclosing what they did. Each tenant complained of the
> rotten egg smell and others odors, the landlord then
> evicted each complainer and did nothing to fix the deadly
> problem. Two toddlers began nosebleeds and began
> siezuring, one teenager had emergency surgery to open a
> blocked airway, 3 ladies had heart attacks, several persons
> were hospitalized with unknown aliments, 1 lady nearly died
> while pregnant, (forcing termantion of pregnancy), one
> tenant was found uncounscious and reieved brain damage.
> This happened in the state of MI. It has become know to us
> that many cities in MI have this problem and the government
> there is doing all it can including breaking law after law
> to keep it quite. Is there anyone interested in joining a
> group to learn more???
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