Re: Dangerous experiments in middle school
Posted by CALLIE2703 on 2/19/03
On 2/19/03, Mary wrote: > Do you keep your children in some kind of bubble or something? > If not, they are exposed to mold all of the time. . Growning mold in school does not equal exposure. Do you want to deprive your child of a meaninful scientific education? iF YOUR children are in school the science teachers , book and experments they do are approved and designed to give them a basis on which to grow with the knowledge that they gain by performing the experiemnts they learn the priniciples of science in a controled atmosphere ; If you have a concern go talk to the science committee at your school district they oversee what is taught ; As you look around yoursaelf today all the science and health providerers who care for you today took science in school on that basis they have grown to work and practice in many different fields today I would hope you would go to your school and have a meeting with the person's who teach the science courses and be gratefull that they are able to give your child a good science foundation if in doubt go learn with your child he may have knowledge you could benifit from after all that is how Pensillclin and many other antibiotics were discovered by using science learned in school to develope new discoveries which will help you and many others
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