Re: Most Jobs Are Difficult For MCS'ers
Posted by WB on 2/21/03
On 2/18/03, Ambrosia wrote:
> Employers today, WOW...they really expect a lot out of us!
Would you like some cheese with that whine?
> No doubt it's for the benefit of their competition against
> other establishments. Like one ridiculous money war, and we
> are in the middle being used as ammo. Not this body you
> won't use!
In most cases business is an all or nothing game... business
that goes to the competitor does not come to us. They win we
loose. YES, IT IS ABOUT THE MONEY!!! That's the reason
business exists. It's not there to make you happy, healthy or
anything else. You exchange your labor or knowledge for pay.
That's it. No social utopian world. Face it friend, it's a
hyper competative world, you either keep up or fade away. If
you don't like it where you are at LEAVE and find something
> So they actually want HIGH ENERGY, SUPER HUMAN,TWO-HEADED,
> SPEED....who can handle many jobs in one, all at once. And
> oh, get this...they also want you to *LOOK HAPPY* about it
> as you're down there breaking your back for them!!! If you
> don't they discard you like a piece of trash!
> If any employer wants the BEST performance out of me, or
> any MCS'er, they're going to have to supply us with a
> nontoxic and humane work environment or else they should
> logically expect laziness, discontent, and brain fog!!
With that attitude, you wouldn't work for me if you paid ME!
Get a grip on yourself and get at it. Are you French by any
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