Re: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) Canada
Posted by Al on 10/18/07
On 2/22/03, nell wrote:
> I'm from Ontario Canada and have been involved in a WSIB
> claim for the past four years. I would like to hear from
> anybody who may be experiencing difficulties getting their
> claims through. I am particularly interested in
> occupational disease claims.
I am looking for help through WSIB and was denied.I developed
carpoltunnel in my hands.The reason I was declined was because
they said it doesn't develop in one week. I never had any
problems with my hands and within a week I had numbness in my
finger tips. There is nothing I can do.Because of my condition
after handing the forms to my employer,I was fired.I have no
way of fighting this and can never mention of my condition to
future employers in fear of no hire.Thanks for your help
WSIB.Our governement is great.
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