Re: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) Canada
Posted by Blaise on 8/21/10
I am involved in a wsib case as well. I am at the point where
I have reached MMR (max. medical recovery). Now, wsib is
basically telling me my benefits are being cut off. I was
told I will get a NEL settlement, but I'm worried about the
weeks that will go by where I have no money. Am I expected to
find work asap like they're suggesting? I thought they would
have to pay me at least up until I received my NEL award. Any
advice would be appreciated. Thanks a lot.
On 2/22/03, nell wrote:
> I'm from Ontario Canada and have been involved in a WSIB
> claim for the past four years. I would like to hear from
> anybody who may be experiencing difficulties getting their
> claims through. I am particularly interested in
> occupational disease claims.