Post: Helpful Treatments

Posted by Patrick on 2/28/03
I strongly support the use of NAET and NMT treatments for
MCS. But until one can find a specialist trained in those
areas, here are some helpful supplements.
To lessen the severity of the symptoms, take some form of a
bio-B complex, Focus Factor, Coenzyme Q10, ginseng (so long
as you do not react to it), an advanced antioxidant formula,
chlorophyll, and calcium-magnesium citramate.
Taking those on a daily basis will most likely be a
tremendous benefit to the MCS or CFS sufferer. It taken for
a long enough period, the MCS sufferer may be able to expose
him or herself to chemicals without having too much of a
adverse reaction, and may be able to socialize like he or
she once did.
~ Pat
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