Re: chemical irritant asthma
Posted by nell on 3/04/03
On 3/04/03, Pat wrote: > Hi Nell, that's awful! Have you thought about filing a complaint > to the EPA? They may send someone to investigate. > Pat
Have a workman's comp claim in for my husband (he passed away from melanoma with no primary found) but the system is so corrupt I can't find anybody to trust anymore. No one at any level wants to put their necks out even if they know what's going on. I'm in Canada but the system isn't much different in your country. Protect the employer at all costs at all levels. It's been 5 years this July I started this case. Most of the men and woman in the plant don't even know why they are sick or dying. People have to educate themselves as to how the system really works (or doesn't). As I read once "cancer is a political disease". Believe it. Nell
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